Jorge Hugo Elejalde, mayor of Frontino, Antioquia, joined the controversy that has been caused by the ruckus between the presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and the Army commander, General Eduardo Zapateiro, which began with the devastation of the Gulf Clan this week in Frontino. questioned that the issue of the attack and the murder of seven soldiers had been put to rest and that they are only focusing on a political battle instead of capturing the culprits. stated she would rather not fight for presidential candidates in full elections, the general should be present to protect us and solicit help from the general.
” gustavo petro am a fan of the institutions. gustavo petro am a lover and respecter of the army. I am the one who has provided most face. However, I don’t want people to forget their roles , and ignoring their constitutional duties, each one in every one of them, and abandoning the politics to politicians.” He said.
The mayor asks that the governor Diego Molano and the minister Diego Molano visit Frontino to solve the problems of violence that plague the municipality.