Is tapwater contaminated by the herbicide glyphosate? Where do these unsubstantiated stories come from?

What is Gryphosate herbicide, might ask?

Glyphosate, also known as “glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt”, is an herbicide employed in gardening and agriculture around the world. It is absorbed by the stems and leaves, after which it spreads to the root and causes the entire plant to wither. Because it’s classified as an “non-selective” herbicide every plant dies after the agent is applied to the leaf’s surface. Pesticide firms are now selling glyphosate based herbicides as the patent on the ingredient has expired. All herbicides based on glyphosate are verified and tested.

Glyphosate which has a low toxicity to livestock because of an enzyme inhibitor in plants (not present in animals) is among its attributes. グリホサート Also, when the sprayed chemical comes in contact with soil, it is the food source for microorganisms. It is a renowned pesticide in the world that helps reduce greenhouse gases because it allows farming without tillage.

Glyphosate is a component of tapwater.

Tap water is safe

Do you know if glyphosate is in tap water?

In April 2020, Weekly Shincho said, “In Japan, there is no any standard value for glyphosate that remains in tap water, only the value that is targeted.” Additionally, it is higher than other pesticides, as well as other countries and water that is contaminated by pesticides. I have written an article stating that there was. グリホサート This has led to concerns that tap water could contain excessive levels of glyphosate. This is not true.

Firstof all, glyphosate isn’t an “standard” number. It is only a “target” value. This is due to the fact that the concentration exceeding 0.2ppm, which is 1 which is a single digit, has never been found in water from the tap. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Japan has not seen any instances of glyphosate being detected within tap water. グリホサート ラウンドアップ It is impossible to determine it.

Additionally that, the glyphosate spray slows down the soil’s metabolism and is degraded in as little as two days. The same amount will be transferred to tap water as well as rivers, and won’t be affected by pollution.

Japanese tap water is safe

Tap water in Japan has been found to be to be safe. It is safe if you drink tap water in the way it is.米国環境保護庁)は、グリホサートの残留許/ There are 51 elements that are subject to strict examination and are provided as per the law. The pH difference between water is what determines whether it is neutral, acidic or alkaline. Japan’s water quality standards require tap water to be near neutral (5.8+ or 8.6+). If your house’s water supply pipes have been corrosion-prone, iron rust could remain a possibility.

How does tap water get made? Tap water is made primarily from water sources such as dam lakes and rivers. After the water has been purified, chlorine is injected into the purification facility to remove any impurities. The water produced is delivered to the homes of each home through water pipes.

An account of the Japanese standard for residues of pesticides

The standard glyphosate residue value for wheat in Japan is currently 5 ppm as of December 2017. However, prior to that, it was 5ppm. グリホサート eu There are various opinions on this subject, including “We decreased it to 30ppm , which is six times more and did not consider health effects.”

Glyphosate from tap water

The value of the residual standard of glyphosate equals the standard used in international law.

However, the truth is that we did not reduce the standard. Instead we made adjustments to make it match the residual standard value that is set by international standards. Japan imports wheat in huge amounts from the United States, Canada and South America. The importer, or overseas producer, regulates the use of glyphosate in the 30ppm range. The Japanese standard value is 5ppm. Imports that go over this standard will be banned. This will lead to an increase in the availability of wheat and could cause Japanese food items being endangered. The standard value has been revised to meet the standards of international quality. The current standard values are safe and do not cause any problems.

Do we have a clear understanding of glyphosate

To prevent consumers from being influenced by emotional conversations about pesticide residues, it’s vital to gather the correct facts based on scientific research carried out by experts. It is crucial not to let rumors keep you from your regular eating habits.