Is tap water polluted? Where are these unsubstantiated rumors coming from?

What is glyphosate herbicide?

Glyphosate, also known as “glyphosate Isopropylamine Salt” is an herbicide employed in gardening and agriculture all over the world. It is absorbed by stems and leaves, it then spreads to the roots and causes the whole plant to die. All plants will die after the herbicide is applied to leaves. Pesticide companies usually offer herbicides containing glyphosate after the patent expires. All herbicides containing glyphosate that are in the market have been tested with a strictness.

One of the attributes of glyphosate (glyphosate) is its “safety”. This chemical is not toxic to animals and blocks the enzyme activity in plants. If the chemical solution is sprayed on soil it can be a source of food for microorganisms. They can differentiate the solution into water, carbon, and oxygen. It is a pesticide that is recognized in the world that aids in the reduction of greenhouse gases because it enables no-tillage cultivation.

Glyphosate found in tap water

Tap water is safe to drink.

Does the tap contain glyphosate? water?

Weekly Shincho declared, April 2020: “In Japan there is no standard for glyphosate which remains in tap water. グリホサート The only value is the Target.” This is more than that of other pesticides or other countries. This also includes drinking water that has been affected by pesticides. In an article, I stated the presence of. This has raised questions about high concentrations of glyphosate may remain in the tap water. グリホサート However, this isn’t the case.

The first is that glyphosate doesn’t have a “standard value” however it has a “target value”. This is due to the fact that the water quality standards for draft value (concentration that is safe though you consume 2 L of tap water every day for a lifetime) was glyphosate. It was 10 mins of 2 ppm. The reason for this is that tap water has never seen glyphosate concentrations exceeding 0.2ppm (which is 1). A Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey found that the tap water in Japan does not contain glyphosate with levels of more than 0.02ppm. It is impossible to detect it.

In addition that, the glyphosate spray slows down the soil’s metabolism and decays in as little as two days. Thus, it is transferred to waterways and rivers with the same concentration, and will not cause any harm to the environment.

Japanese tap water is safe

Tap water from Japan is considered to be safe. There’s no issue if you drink tap water as it is. There are 51 strict inspection items, and they are provided based on strict quality control as stipulated by law. グリホサート Water is classified into three categories: neutral, acid and alkaline. Japan has a water quality standard that guarantees tap water is near neutral pH (5.8 or higher and 8.6 less). If, however, the pipes that supply water inside the vicinity of your house have been damaged, there is still the chance of drinking iron rust.

What is the process of producing tapwater in the first place? Tap water is made primarily from surface water, such as dam lakes and river water as raw water. Once the water has been cleaned, chlorine is injected into the purification facility in order to kill any impurities. The water produced is delivered to the homes of each home through water pipes.

The story of Japanese standard value for residues of pesticides

Japan’s glyphosate standard for wheat is currently 5ppm. However, it was at 5ppm prior to December 2017. There are some opinions such as “We have increased that amount to 30ppm by 6x and resented the health harm.”

Glyphosate in tap water

The residual value for glyphosate is the same as that of the international standard.

グリホサート In reality, we didn’t loosen the standards. We modified it to the international residual standard. Japan imports wheat in large amounts from the United States, Canada and South America. And the importer, which is the outside producer, naturally oversees the usage of glyphosate at the standard international level of 30ppm. グリホサート 濃度 However, Japan’s standard value for glyphosate is 5ppm. This will mean that any import of this substance will be prohibited. If this happens, supply of wheat will be restricted and Japanese food may be threatened. To meet international standards, we’ve revised the standard values. Security remains a concern even though the standard values are current.

Do you need to understand glyphosate?

To avoid consumers being too easily influenced by emotional debates about pesticide residues, it is important to acquire the correct knowledge from scientific research conducted by experts. It is crucial to be satisfied with your eating habits and not be distracted by rumors.