GlyphosateSecuring our food supply for years to come: why farmers choose glyphosate to sustainably grow crops.

It’s not hard to see that the world is experiencing an the growth of population. By 2050, we’re expected to have reached 9.7 billion people in the world–over 2 billion more than today.1 However, the world’s farmable land isn’t expanding with our population. This poses some serious challenges for farmers charged with producing enough food of high-quality to feed Canadians as well as people across the globe.

Canada is the fifth largest exporter of food globally.2 As the population increases, Canadian farmers in particular will play an important part in providing the world with the food it needs. They will need to meet a higher demand than ever as well as manage the spread of diseases and pests as well as weather variations and ensure that their land remains fit for the future.

グリホサート Farmers will require 70 percent more food production by 2050 to keep up with the rising population. *Source: How to Feed the World 2050, published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

This increasing demand is simply too to be handled by farmers alone. Modern technology, such as herbicides and glyphosate, are able aid farmers in controlling herbicides effectively and effectively. This leads to a more sustainable and stable food supply.

グリホサート What is glyphosate? How does it work?

Glyphosate can be used as a non-selective, versatile herbicide by land managers and gardeners across the globe. It’s been used for over 40 years. It works by blocking an enzyme that plants, specifically unwanted weeds, need to grow. These enzymes aren’t found in animals or humans. animals.4 Thus, glyphosate isn’t a risk for or for animals.

There are other uses for glyphosate too. It’s used in cities to protect wildlife and humans from poisonous plants.6 It’s also used in railroads to increase visibility of conductors and to ensure that accidents are not caused on tracks.

More recently it’s been noticed that there’s been a greater awareness of glyphosate and its use in our lives. It’s crucial to consider the ingredients we consume in our meals. グリホサート But, over 160 health regulatory bodies around the world including Health Canada agree that glyphosate is safe when used properly.

Canadians will be better equipped to comprehend the effects of glyphosate, how it works, and why it is vital to the production of food.

Glyphosate is an insecticide which can be utilized in the field of agriculture.

Farmers, consumers, and nature are all benefited by the use of glyphosate herbicides in agriculture. It is essential to efficient control of weeds, food security, and sustainability for the environment. Let’s examine each of them.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization the world’s farmers could be able to lose 30-40% or 50 percent of their crops to weeds, pests and diseases. It’s a terrible loss, particularly for farmers, considering that these crops are the basis of their livelihood.

It’s not difficult to understand why farmers have relied on tools throughout the year. Applying glyphosate to the fields is a tried and tested method to keep destructive herbicides from crops and especially those that are tolerant to glyphosate.

Crops against. Weeds: The battle of their lives

Glyphosate is a herbicide which gives crops a fighting chance.

Canadians and other consumers around the world enjoy the benefits of plentiful, affordable food

The population is growing and half of the land that is used for food production in Canada is at risk of becoming unusable in 40 years.10 This is leading us to more food shortages. Canadians will pay 55% less for food if there are no technological advances in agriculture, such as the use of glyphosate.11

In addition, it will be increasingly difficult to find the foods that we are accustomed to. However, the great news is that farmers are able to continue to produce our most loved staple foods thanks to the science behind plant breeding.

Glyphosate is more than a herbicide. It also helps keep produce affordable in the supermarket. It helps farmers care for the land that Cherilyn Jolly Nagle, a Saskatchewan farmer calls “their most valuable asset” which is their land.

We love to eat at tables.

When crop protection tools like glyphosate and others are employed to shield crops from pests and diseases, farmers are able to grow:

42% more grains, similar to wheat and corn

72% more fruit

83% more veggies & potatoes12

The advantages of glyphosate are evident. But is Glyphosate safe?

It is crucial to remember that all pesticides need to be used in accordance with label directions. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) examines the crops for pesticide residue and makes sure that farmers use the pesticide in a safe manner. The Pest Management Regulatory Agency, (PMRA) is a regulatory agency that provides guidelines, product submission evaluations approvals (or rejections) and is one of the strictest evaluation procedures around the globe.

グリホサート And while regulatory agencies ensure that farmers are using approved herbicides producers and farmers contribute to making sure that glyphosate is utilized properly and safely so that no unintended harm is posed to the environment, animals or even humans.

The application of precision technology and agriculture has enabled farmers to take greater control over the use of glyphosate. They are also able to pinpoint precisely where and when the glyphosate is used.

It is rare to find glyphosate will be found on food items. CFIA makes sure that farmers are using herbicides properly and complying with established limits for residues16. グリホサート ラウンドアップ It is extremely rare that glyphosate is detected in food products at a low level, which is well below the Government of Canada’s limit.17 As it would not pose any danger to animals or humans18

Glyphosate use as part of sustainable farming practices

Farmers employ herbicides like glyphosate in integrated pest/weedmanagement methods. グリホサート This means they are using more herbicides than just weedicides. グリホサート Glyphosate helped farmers use conservation techniques and no-till methods to provide long-term benefits for soil and air.

– A reduction or the elimination of tilling or plowing of the land

– Reducing CO2 emissions

Capturing carbon in the soil

– Improve the health of your soil

– Reducing the flow of water and limiting erosion13

“No pesticide-related regulatory body in the entire world considers the glyphosate ingredient to pose the risk of cancer to humans at the current concentrations.” – Health Canada (January 11, 2019).

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , How to provide for the world’s population by 2050

It is more crucial than ever to ensure that Canadian farmers are equipped with the technology tools, equipment and assistance they require to provide for a growing number of people.

Farmers will continue to keep our food secure and plentiful by following sound agricultural as well as food safety and pest management methods. グリホサート Glyphosate is one of the many tools they employ to ensure that Canadians and other people all over the world have access to healthy, affordable food options in the near as well as in the near future.