Fico Gutierrez and Petro’s statements: Petro is friend of FARC. Chavista. Expropriator

With a total count of votes of 2 ‘160.329, ‘Fico’ Gutierrez was the winner of the Sunday consultation of the’Team for Colombia’. votes, which amounts to 54.1% of total votes that were deposited in the electoral processes that were conducted internally in the coalition.

Gutierrez was in attendance during the presidential debate for the first time candidates following the legislative elections. was judged by Gustavo Petro and Ingrid Betancourt who were the winners of the Historic Pact consultation. These were his answers.

‘We more centralism’: Federico Gutierrez during his time at

It is crucial to note the importance of Sunday’s election outcomes

The first topic of the discussion was to discuss the Sunday’s results of the election. “It seems to us like we’re on one side of the second round and that’s a fact of the political world. Fico added, “With humility, I demanded that we come together and win the first round.”

After the issue was discussed, the possibility that Team for Colombia would win in the first round. Team for Colombia’s presidential nominee said “The numbers speak for themselves.” Our coalition was three months old, and it was the youngest. We’re only a few seconds away, one million votes from the Historic Pact. It’s very evident who we are and who we will take on in the second round against populist and authoritarian projects such as Petro.

Petro: The toughest questions

Federico Gutierrez challenged Gustavo Petro’s decision not to include Piedad Cordoba in the list. “How is it possible to claim that you do not support any person who is corrupt on the list, if Piedad Cordoba is negotiating with a number of kidnapped persons and joined the Chavez government, which poses a danger to Colombia?” Fico affirmed his solidarity with Ingrid Betancourt who accused Cordoba “trading as kidnapping”.

Gutierrez was a tyrant to Petro at the time and then declared him a friend of the FARC.

“Those who attack the innocent or those who abducted and took money, and then murdered are the owners and masters of the war. I’ve lived my entire life using a different weapon than yours. I am morally able and I am able to speak about peace, and I’ll make your allies and friends respect the agreements.

Zuluaga and Gutierrez arrive

Gutierrez talked about the inclusion of Oscar Ivan Zuluaga in his campaign. Gutierrez called him to express his gratitude and to confirm his candidacy. I said to him, thank you for your personal position, and I will talk to him. However, I will be able to talk to a variety of other sectors that would like to support our candidacy.” He clarified that he was not Uribe’s nominee, but would accept support.

He added: “Those who are committed to freedoms and democracy must stand together.” I will get together with teachers. Together with the cooperative sector, we will present a national strategy for the country.

Gutierrez, in the middle of that topic, reproached Ingrid Betancourt “who is saying that only one person is the good person and that everyone else is bad or corrupt.”

She stated, “You don’t have have to convince us that I have poor intentions,” as well as, “Is there really any one thing that is good about Central America?” If I’m elected president and I’m planning to become, I’ll join. I’m not sure whether they’re left-leaning or right-leaning, however, I’ll be governing in the most efficient way possible.

Ingrid was then accusing him of being “supported by machinery such as Los Char and Dilian Francisca Toro”. He stated, “I am a man who is a man of character.” He said he’d form many alliances, but he also stated that his character is strong enough to resist corruption and violence.

“Petro is dumb”

Federico Gutierrez, in an attempt to highlight Gustavo Petro, stated that he is accompanied and in the company of Armando Beenedetti, a former senator who has started a process to eliminate. When he didn’t get a response about it He said that the candidate of the Historic Pact “always plays dumb.”

What would health candidates suggest?

The mayor who was the former mayor of Medellin presented his concept of a health system in the nation: “Ideology should not prevail and we must have dignity when it comes to health care. We want to eliminate the barriers, promote prevention and health promotion, articulation and EPS with the IPS/EPS, and implement the Siga Model where triage is carried out and decides where you will be treated depending on the illness.

He stated that it was essential to improve the working conditions of health workers and “ensure that they have linksage guarantees” and made clear that he won’t end EPS but will improve the efficiency of the system for providing healthcare. said that “EPS that does not work is eliminated.”

Relations with the United States

Answered the question: Will your relationship with the United States be rethought? Gutierrez responded, “I will maintain a good bilateral relations with the United States. Certain issues need to be rethought. We are planning to reform the production system so that it is both economic as well as political.

UU is today’s problem in the U.S. It makes us come to the realisation that the world has changed and that they have an economy that can supply more food for consumption but also export quality products to other nations.

Gutierrez made use of the chance for Petro to put forward a second bid “The blocks of roads, which Petro directed to shut down the roads, had an impact on the price of food items. People wonder why the chicken and the egg are so expensive because you blocked the roads,” he said.

Gutierrez confirmed the fact that Petro “is going expropriate” and also stated that affordable loans would be given to the poor under his administration. Gutierrez also said that the irrigation districts will be strengthened and land ownership will be protected, and that Petro will not stop insisting that Petro “is going to be propriate”.

Questions from applicants to candidates

Federico Gutierrez was the one to explain his position in front of the Duque/Uribe government. He stated: “I am certain that starting August 7, everything that works, independently from the state,” he said.

He said that “the concept of security is essential, but integral and I would mix it with the social. For every helicopter that is spotted in areas of conflict, there will be three with the aid of social investment.

Gutierrez posted a critique on Petro. He claimed that Petro provides them with the aid they currently receive via Families in Action. Check out Venezuela and you will see the Chavez model.

Pension debate

Gutierrez suggested, in order better address the issue of pensions it is suggested that the state be able to transfer its capabilities to territorial entities to aid in strengthening the funds in fixed resources like schools and roads. He also stated that 20 billion pesos in mafia assets are not in the hands of the state.

He also stated that’s the reason we’ll need more domain lawyers and judges who will be able to halt the extinction process. This money can then be used to finance health and education or even the system of pensions for three millions of adults who have a retired pension. He concluded that the “resources are out there, you just need understand the location they’re located.”

Are you willing to meet Pope Francis while in the campaign?

The debate focused on visits by presidential candidates Gustavo Petro (and Rodolfo Gutierrez) to Pope Francis. In this regard, Fico Gutierrez pointed out that “those who will visit the Pope is because they don’t know him. I am already acquainted with him, but my meeting today is with Colombians I had the pleasure of meeting him in Medellin at the time of the papal visit. I listened to him a lot during that time.”

Relations with Venezuela

The final issue was the relationship between Venezuela and Venezuela. Gutierrez said that Maduro’s relationships with Colombia have been through the FARC (the Eln), dissidents, and Petro. Maduro can’t, as I’m sure, be recognized by the government since it is an absolute dictatorship. But it is possible to observe the border as a reality.

He also said that vehicular travel is necessary because of the fact that trade continues to take place, since criminal groups have been operating an illegal economy. Maduro is not recognized as a state. However the business decisions have to be taken at the borders.

Gutierrez in his discussion of the subject, got into a new clash with Petro, noting that he is silent in his defense of “his allies,” in reference to Russia, Syria and Venezuela, in addition to other countries.

He also decried the notion of separating the Colombian economy from oil and coal in a statement that said it should be a gradual transition, rather than all at one time. “That’s the reason renewable energy sources like wind and solar are currently being developed. We are taking steps towards that, and we are going to double the capacity.”

Gutierrez gave a goodbye speech: “Petro. I will be the president of the Colombians.”