Duque is accused by Petro of using his job to attack the army . He suggests that Petro should quit his job

The president was supposed to speak about pensions at Asofundos, he spoke instead about politics. This surprise interruption came from an elected congressman.

President Ivan Duque’s closing address at the Asofondos Congress in Cartagena did not go like he had planned. Instead of talking about pensions, he talked about politics and the ways in which. Gustavo Petro was attacked for using the seat to attack troops. He also complained about his dual status as a congressman and candidate.

Duvalier Sánchez, Valle del Cauca’s representative to the Chamber intervened to interrupt him to inquire what he was planning to respond to the trills of General Eduardo Zapateiro, who had been trying to defend Gustavo Petro’s claims.

“Article 219 prohibits military forces from taking sides, participating in democratic debates, or participating in political discussions. The country is angry. It’s a critical moment in the history of that General Zapateiro did,” Sanchez said as Sanchez was holding his phone and streamed everything that was happening via his Facebook account.

The president reacted to the chaos by his defense of Zapateiro. He added anyone who makes allegations against members the public force should be tried.

Petro’s double role today, as a congressman/head of the opposition as well as as a presidential candidate, was criticized by President Duque.

“Who are http://b3.zcubes.com/v.aspx?mid=8338393 ?” Are you a senator? “I resigned from Congress after I won the popular consultation to be able to freely express my opinions as a potential candidate, and not to use the double-hat to use seats to attack, and then after institutions react with a response, present myself as a victim since it isn’t democratic,” said the president.

Sanchez attempted to stay on the right side of the controversy, but the president prevented his attempts and demanded that Sanchez abide by the rules of the event.

What was gustavo petro why the battle to defend Petro and Zapateiro begin?

On http://isms.pk/members/gustavo-petrorlqz665/activity/3977744/ , Petro published this message on his social media networks. “While the troops are killed during the Gulf Clan attack, some of the generals who are on the payroll of the clan are also being executed.” The corruption within the clan’s leadership is evident in the case of the drug trafficking politicians who eventually become generals.” The presidential candidate wrote

The response on Friday was exactly the same “Senator,” he said, “Do not use your investment [parliamentary inviolability] to politicize our deaths, rather, fulfill your obligation as a citizen by substantiated complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office of the details discussed, regardless of where and when you are.”