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It is possible to wonder what you could do to get rid of Cabbage Root Maggot in the event that you grow cabbages along with other veggies in your garden. You can follow a straightforward control guide to help prevent infestations from happening. We’ll be discussing Cabbage Root Maggot life cycles, symptoms and treatment methods in this article. The article will also discuss prevention and control methods. After you’ve got a solid comprehension of the pest are able to treat your crops.


There are several signs that could indicate that there is a root of the cabbage maggot infestation. This includes stunted growth, wilted leaves and other signs. Any woody stems and debris might contain maggot eggs. Although cabbage root maggots will likely end up dying from composting, it can still cause damage to the plants. Remove any stems that are affected as soon as you can and make sure to properly remove the maggots. Also, you can burn these or cut them in shreds, before composting them.

Although cabbage roots are the most common host plant for root maggots vegetables can be plagued. The insects feed on roots of many vegetable crops like radish, cabbage, turnip, carrot and onions. Their damage to plants is extensive and causes them to be impaired and dying. The insects also can cause bacteria-related diseases to plants. The problem can be avoided through the planting of cabbages infested with root maggots by using high-quality paper collars.

Life cycle

The life-cycle of the maggot of the cabbage root is made up of four stages including larva, pupa and an adult. The larva consumes roots of cole crops until it transforms into a brown-colored egg-shaped maggot. It spends winter in the soil and then hatches as an adult. It emerges in spring when it is an adult and it will lay eggs near the host plant.

In the spring, when you see cabbage maggot flies, you can use the collar to keep flies from getting into the root of your plant. A collar made from the smallest piece of cardboard or roofing felt can be also used. The collars will degrade if you employ cardboard or plastic. Ecotrol G is a non-organic chemical that is derived from plants. It will prevent the larvae from producing eggs.

The way to detect

If you see a bizarre looking white worm on the cabbage plants, it could be a Cabbage root maggot. of cabbage have three life cycles: pupa, larva, and adult. They eat the root as well as the stems of the plant and then overwinter in soil. Once their pupae have froze, they emerge to become adults. They’re typically found inside white cocoons that have skin and silk when they hatch out of eggs. At this time, cabbage maggots lay their eggs and hatch into adulthood. You may notice this pest within your yard from May to October. It is similar to a small house fly, however, it’s much smaller. It has also darker stripes on the abdomen’s back.

In the beginning of the season, planting is the worst time for pests of cabbage. Planting later can prevent overwintering adults from laying eggs. Additionally, should avoid digging, which can expose pupae. If you have to plant, you can use cotton collars. complete hydroponic grow kits must reach the root, and be securely wrapped around the stems, so maggots aren’t able to be fed. There’s no way to keep cabbage root maggots from getting into crops.


Seed treatment and cultural treatments is a method to tackle the problem of the cabbage root parasite. is to dig up and bury the affected plants in a compost heap. It is likely that the larvae will be killed in the pile. This process can be repeated during the growth season. In the long run it is possible to have fewer pests. This guide will help you understand what to do to implement the best control method to your particular plant and soil.

The cabbage root maggot larvae change to white pupae. These look like skins, and they’re securing them with silk. The pupae emerge from their eggs in three weeks. The maggots from cabbage are all year round, typically in the morning and late in the evening. In the warmer season the cabbage root maggots start to appear at the time of the month of April. They’ll appear around May in the colder regions.