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A legal advocacy group with its headquarters in Israel is asking Australian survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants to join its program to bring lawsuits against insurance companies whose Holocaust predecessors refused to pay for policies held by displaced European Jews.

Nitsana Dahan-Leitner (Israeli attorney, human-rights advocate) was the founder of Shurat HaDin Israel Law Centre. nitsana darshan leitner aviel darshan leitner AJN stated that Project Last Chance will pursue insurance companies that used World War II chaos and the Shoah as a way to avoid paying claims to victims, survivors, and their heirs. “My task now is to help victims get compensation at the end of their life. It’s money owed to survivors, it’s their money. You are able to insure your assets, such as your home and your life, but no one will be able to take it away from you.

Israel Law Center Darshan-Leitner said US Senate estimates show as high as $US200 billion payouts were withheld from Jewish policyholders by delinquent WWII insurance companies, with many having an identifiable successor entity in the present market, which have been able to inherit these liabilities.

Shurat HaDin is leveraging its experience in the pursuit of financial institutions like banks that hold the funds of terrorist groups.

nitsana darshan leitner “We’ve been able to take legal action against banks and countries which aid or aid terrorists. We have the knowledge and aren’t afraid of taking on countries as large corporations or international banks,” she said.

nitsana darshan leitner Shurat HaDin is launching a legal action in Israel to gain access to the database that contains around 140,000 Holocaust survivors and their descendants. Shurat Hadin The database was created as part of the Israeli government’s Project Heart between 2011 and. Shurat Hadin Together with Jewish Agency for Israel (Israel’s government), applicants were invited to participate in the restitution scheme. The program was terminated abruptly leaving registered participants uncertain.

Shurat Haidin approached the government and has not received a response. The Labour and Social Services Ministry in Israel declared that Project Heart was not intended to be an individual claims scheme. Therefore, claims information of claimants cannot be disclosed. A theory suggests Israel underestimated European governments’ reluctance when faced with the list of hundreds of thousand of claimants.

Darshan Leitner stated that if they are confirmed to be Shurat HaDin, Project Heart participants may be eligible for class actions under Project Last Chance.

She stated that Project Last Chance is taking an entirely different approach from the Claims Conference, established in 1951. The Claims Conference has petitioned governments to grant Holocaust restitution, rather than focusing on companies and businesses directly.